
Contact for information on any upcoming event or to enquire about any private or customised bookings

As I run various retreats, workshops, circles, talks and offerings, I will keep this page updated with information, upcoming dates, locations and also a place for you to reach out for more information, book and register your interest for further dates

Upcoming Events

The Temple Of Thoth - An Ancient Mystery School Revival

Rolling School - 33 places available. Contact for full brochure to apply.


Wisdom Of The Masters - Weekly Live Interactive Series

Taking Registrations


Astral Healing of Yesod

March 29th

Co. Dublin

Astral Healing of Yesod

July 5th

Co. Dublin

"The Mysteries Journey Workshop"

To bring an expansive understanding of the ancient teachings is the greatest awareness we can bring to our own lives and the journey we are on. The modern use of language has not allowed for an understanding of what the most ancient wisdom has held and passed to the Initiates of “The Mysteries” for thousands of years.
Join me for a workshop where we discuss in detail the Subconscious, what it is, how it works and how we can tap into it and use it as The Divine guidance system that it is. We will then apply this directly into one practice, a Shamanic Journey, and gain a more expansive and complete understanding and appreciation of this method of direction, clarity and guidance
Starting with a two-hour interactive talk, applying a modern and simple understanding to this ancient and sacred knowledge, we will gain a deep understanding of the Subconscious via the Hermetic principles. We will then learn to journey within, using the practice of Shamanic Journey, and through the most ancient language of symbolism, decipher the experience and find our individual answers of Divine guidance through a deep introspection and integration of the experience.

To find out more or to book please use the form below

Shamanic Journey Circle

The shamanic journey is one of the greatest methods we have to provide guidance, direction, clarity and so much more on the journey we have all come here to navigate. Delving deep within our own subconscious mind, we traverse the shamanic worlds with our intention and decipher the answers provided from our higher selves.

Aligning our circles with lunar and solar cycles or specific energetic fields to enhance and connect the experience, I use shamanic journey circles as a deep introspective group heaIing method. I like to check in with the group to see what is currently going on for each participant and from this set an intention for our journey. I incorporate my understanding of the ancient and universal language of symbolism to help guide each participant in deciphering their experience and integrate each journey for each of the 12 initiates. These circles provide insight, clarity, direction and so much more, direct from the realms of your own higher self. A beautiful space held in respect, honour and purity, a sacred space where we come together to heal in the power of the tribe.

To find out more or to book please use the form below 

Glaineacht medicine Retreat

Glaineacht is the Gaelic term for purity in the spiritual sense and is the balance of the guidance within the space here.
We come to this space to heal, to open what has been lost and most of all to remember. We are ancient, timeless and infinite beings of energy and through the connection of The Great Mother, through the medicine, we are guided in the ways of old, back to balance and harmony with our true being and to that of nature itself. In embracing emotion, we release the coloured perspectives and in so, gain the freedom from the veils of falsity that have for so long imprisoned us.
Bringing forth the essence of Glaineacht; the absolute purity of the being, of the space, of respect, of the all in the all and most importantly with the Divine medicine we are entrusted to share, we flow without resistance to share this truth with you. For truth is the line that all is built on and purity is its reward.
At Glaineacht, our team has formed organically through our individual and collective work via our shared core beliefs and embodiment of how we hold sacred space. A bond of purity and a backbone of truth weaves the perfect unity in the authenticity brought into the field we invite and honour.
The authentic path is the path of The Great Work, the only means to a true, free, fulfilled and expansive life, and the life we are all here to experience. We create an environment with a foundation in purity, a place to feel safe and supported, a place to express in absolute truth without judgement and to share the core of your being in all its shades of light and darkness.
Our team are all deeply connected to the medicines and bring specialisations in the modalities and understandings of the work, the path, the journey and its direction. Specialist knowledge in the medicines, symbolism, systemic psychology, philosophical mysticism and the subconscious all add to the vast dynamic of our navigation of the way and its absolute in purity to the direction home. Our facilitators bring vast and deep experiences through systemic constellation work, shamanic drumming, breathwork practices and in creating and navigating the energetic field we work in.
We are each deep within years of our own work with the medicines and consistent to our ongoing process. We are very much committed to this onwards journey and in creating more truth within while emanating more purity without.
Glaineacht retreats cater to 12 participants at most thus allowing us to hold a much more intimate and focussed experience and to really honour to medicine in its most sacred way.

To find out more or to book please use the form below 

Grief Workshop

In modern society we have completely dissociated grief from the core aspect of who we are and instead have tried to schedule it in a manner that fits in the fast paced conformity of the world. We have lost contact with the immensity and necessity that grief offers to us in recognition, appreciation, acknowledgement, growth and progress in life. We have placed grief in an individualised, contained and unwelcome box to be “cleaned in a corner” before we join back into society again, completely ignoring the community and tribal aspect of support, navigation and liberation of owning this integral aspect to who we are.
Basing off the resonance in the work of Francis Weller and the 5 Gates of Grief, we have created a beautiful space to honour these parts of ourselves. We created a place where we can connect as our ancestors did, hold space for each other as we become aware and identify how vast this grief is that we all carry. In this space we learn to embrace these parts of us that we had banished and in doing so learn to invite them in so that we may honour them as being parts of us and ultimately becoming more whole.
Creating a sacred and held space, this day workshop incorporates exercises, ritual, journeying and breathwork to fully take you through a deep understanding, appreciation, connection, navigation and release of the grief we hold. It opens us up to grief being an ever present part of life and embracing ways to make space for it in our lives so that we may acknowledge it and embrace the change in moving forward to what life has to offer us next.

To find out more or to book please use the form below 

Shamanic journeying Retreat

Specialising in and having such a deep connection to shamanic journeying and the language it delivers in such profound and accurate guidance, I have set out a beautiful retreat to take people through the basic introduction to shamanic journeying right through to the inner details of the medicine wheel and beyond.
The retreat is designed to equip the participant with the basics of journeying, understanding the various shamanic realms, connecting with the forces of nature, learning deeply about the medicine wheel, doing shadow work and discovering our subconscious self-sabotages. This is all done through the deep, detailed and meticulously integrated journeys where my passion and the language of symbolism will be shared with you as we decipher the journeys.
This retreat will equip you with the tools of shamanic journeying and the know how to create the sacred space in order to begin. You will gain an understanding of symbolism and a basis to decipher the information that you and others’ journeys will convey. You will learn the depth of the medicine wheel as an accurate tool for healing and guidance and learn how to traverse it. You will gain a means to do deep shadow work, delving deep within yourself to release those parts that need to be healed and thus free you to let go and move forward in your life. You will acquire the tools to identify at any time how you are stopping yourself from your true direction and growth in life. You will expand your world and enhance the richness and value of information, guidance, direction and wisdom to go forward clearly and to guide others in the same.

To find out more or to book please use the form below

An Introduction to Hermeticism - A Guided Workshop through the path of the Mystic

The Hermetic teachings are an ancient, universal and most of all sacred core of truth embodied in all planes of existence, by Divine Laws and Principles. Laws & Principles in which the entire universe through all planes adhere to, abide by and most importantly are governed by.

There is nothing new under the Sun and in the greatest of sacred Wisdom is held the sacred teachings of the Uni-verse, its laws and the navigation of life through them. There is no new knowledge only the recycling of the old and as in all new states, comes the corruption of the old and the misuse of the sacred Laws through ignorance, imbalance and the external driving force of self gain; leading to self corruption, karmic implications and the corruption of the collective.

Sacredness is being lost in the run of the self. I want to teach the basis of these sacred teachings with the understanding of the totality of this Divine existence and our Divine given means to embrace, navigate and work these Laws & Principles to our benefit through the reaching of higher planes and bring forth the climbing upwards of our collective consciousness.

We will learn the basis of Hermeticism, its roots, its presence through the ages and its permeable existence throughout all time and in its place outside of time. We will simplify the philosophy of the greatest Teachers and Masters humanity has been graced with and to whom we owe our greatest gifts. We will learn and delve into each of the 7 Principles and understand them in relation to each of the other 6 and learn how to master the laws through achieving the ability of the higher planes to ease the workings of our current material one.

We will incorporate sacred practices of breath, ritual, meditation and shamanic journey to bring forth the sitting of the teachings at a deeper level in the system. Merging the worlds of Matter and Spirit and honouring the Principle of Gender to deliver the inner and understanding of the teachings and embodying the sacredness.

An interactive class teaching and bearing the Hermetic Philosophy in a way that can be digested by all and with clear applications in the way of mastery going forward.

To find out more or to book please use the form below

The Phoenix Birth - The Healing Word Workshop

Experience the full unlocking and healing of this channelled guidance by the author.

The word, in all its true power and weaving, is something that when used through a deep understanding, can be directed with precision, as a profound healing modality that not only unlocks parts within, but opens the awareness to navigate and unfold solid direction, in true resonant and applicable guidance of perfect clarity on our individual paths.

“The Phoenix Birth” is a book that contains a story, an understanding, direction, guidance, and a key to unlocking the subconscious mind that can move you beyond the challenges of your present state. 

Join me in this beautiful workshop, where we will create the sacred and invite in the Divine for a space of gentle yet profound healing. Through embodiment utilising the breath, we will tap into the internal system and learn to listen to our wholeness, find the pain and resistance of the present restrictive moment. Becoming still within, we will become the observer of our truth, removing the noise of conditioning and distraction and bring clarity around our restrictions.

From this point of absolute, I will bring in the words of “The Phoenix Birth”, opening our now already prepared system, to receive the activations, clarity, direction and guidance within the words, the pieces, and the in-depth breakdown at the intricate level to immerse you within your own healing.

 A day of connection, embodiment, openness, safety, peace and truth, weaved into a unity through integrative depth brought through the powerful subconscious activations of the words to unlock, unpack, and instil the guidance at the point of absolute centre.

  • To find out more or to book please use the form below

Mystic Wisdom Sharing & Integration Circle

Humans have come together in the power of the Circle since the dawning of creation, that place of unity, totality, community and support. Symbolically the Circle represents Spirit, the infinite bind of THE ALL and the self-replenishing cycle of life, death and rebirth. The Circle is a safe, sacred and supportive healing space where we come together to share our stories and learn about ourselves through the lens of others and with medicine being present everywhere within that Circle; the sharing of trauma, struggles, obstacles and difficulties all combine a powerful space of healing through wisdom and understanding, as we enter the pillars of The Temple.

I am launching an online integrative sharing circle for those who would like to integrate and gain deep insights and direction in their own life processes, understand and navigate blockages, address curiosity and/or simplify the navigation of the internal work, the path of life and the knowing and understandings of the universe. This I offer through my own ancient approach and inner-standing, that of the Mystic, through sacred, ancient and esoteric wisdom.

In my experience in the rooms I work, and in my one-to-one sessions, I have been finding a very prominent pattern in the lack of simplistic understanding of what is occurring in many clients’ “field” or lives, creating blockages and holdbacks in the momentum forward on their journeys.  In my own speciality and approach, let’s simplify a term for that as Occult and sacred studies or that of the Mystic, and in which I have been studying for over 35 years, I have come to find that my natural understanding of these most ancient and sacred sources of Divine wisdom, through my many initiations, enables a simple yet deep inner-standing of the process and guides the direction forward, creating clarity, hope and a lasting understanding and perspective of our reality.

With this in mind I have felt a push to offer my wisdom and integrative approach to a wider pool, moving to an online space but still keeping an intimate circle of no more than twelve participants with whom I can share my lifetimes learning and application through this Great Work, thus allowing an open engagement to your process and queries into my field of understanding. 

I have years of experience holding sacred space with plant medicines, working deeply with many various shamanic practices, breathwork, systemic rituals and teaching the ancient and sacred wisdom of the Esoteric and Mystery school teachings. The core thread in all my work is my depth of understanding the universal language of symbolism, and in so deciphering deeply the subconscious field of my clients, bringing profound guidance and understanding to this otherwise unknown realm of infinite information. The unique aspect of my personal approach is my deep integration of all spaces and clients through my in-depth knowledge of the ancient and sacred teachings and philosophies, and the directed understanding of symbols. 

Limited to 12 participants – 3 hour zoom session of open sharing and integration

First Monday of each month 18.30 -21.30 GMT

  • To find out more or to book please use the form below


I give various talks around multiple topics that are all based on my own deep philosophical understanding of the world, the journey, the obstacles and the way of direction in navigating life’s hurdles. Using ancient teachings, philosophy, psychology and the understanding through deep analysis of experience, I hold engaging talks that are at the core of all our issues and daily lives, delving into the search for truth, its meaning, symbolism, energy, esoterism, the subconscious and so much more.

The basis of all topics I cover, comes from my understanding of the ancient teachings and philosophies of The Mysteries, my own journey and in the modern understanding and application of the ancient wisdom for the modern era. Covering mental health from an authentic understanding of my own experiences and deep analysis of life and its surroundings, I empathise and dissect the shared suffering we all endure through the gift of the word. Incorporating in the most simplistic understanding of who we are, why we are and how we can move forward.

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